Player Registration
Under Armour Travel Uniforms and Accessories
League Information
Referee Fees for League Games
Practice Fields
Financial Aid
Tryouts and Supplemental Tryouts
Once your age group’s rosters have been submitted and tryouts have concluded, the SAC Office will send Managers a link to a shared document. This shared document will be used throughout the year to keep track of players’ registrations. The SAC Office will keep the shared document updated to reflect players’ current registration and payment status. Managers are asked to monitor the shared document and encourage completion of all tasks as well as enter a jersey number for each player.
All player registration fees will be collected through PlayMetrics. As players accept a position on a Travel team, the SAC Office will send them a registration invitation through PlayMetrics.
MSYSA (Maryland Youth Soccer Association) Registration
Players, Coaches and Managers must complete an MSYSA registration each year to be added to the team’s official MSYSA roster. Coaches and Managers must also complete the Concussion and Safe Sport Training and submit for a background check each year. Additionally, a coaching license must be uploaded for the team’s head coach before the team can be approved.
Any questions regarding MSYSA registration should be directed to Christine O’Brien ( Once all players, all coaches and the manager have completed all necessary registrations and trainings, Christine will submit the roster for approval. is our new uniform supplier. The SAC Office will have uploaded all the players that were registered in PlayMetrics by mid-June into the new ordering system. If a player is added to your team or registered after the upload, you will need to contact Gina Garcia ( to have the player added to the account. Once added, parents will receive ordering information directly from
All league management will go through GotSport (MSYSA player cards, game scheduling, game cards, etc.)
The SAC office will register all travel teams for league play.
Managers will need to:
Game Scheduling
EDP will post a preliminary schedule with dates and opponents during their “game scheduling window.” The date of this period is currently unknown.
Prelim Game Scheduling
Once the league posts game dates:
Game Change Requests
Managers will need to monitor and reply to game chats during this period (every game has a direct chat with the opponent).
Once the “game scheduling window” has ended, schedules will be locked by the league and changes will need approval from the Club & League.
NAL will post a preliminary schedule with dates and opponents during their “game scheduling window.” The date of this period is currently unknown.
Club administrators (SAC office) will schedule all home games for their club.
Any conflicts with games should be sent to Eric ( as soon they are noticed.
Practices included in your package will be scheduled by the SAC Office.
Practices included in your package will be scheduled by the SAC Office once fall permits are received from the Howard County Recreation and Parks.
U15-U19 practices will be handled based on the period of the season they occur
U15-U19 Travel teams will be provided fields in late-fall as outlined below. If SAC is unable to provide field permits during this period, teams will need to acquire them through HCRP. SAC will communicate these needs as soon as possible. All teams required to acquire late-fall permits will be reimbursed by the club.
Sessions per Week:
2 nights per week
Boys: Nov 4 – Nov 14*
Girls: Nov 4 – Nov 21*
*Teams participating in the Southampton Cup, PA Classics Winter Showcase and/or IMG Cup will be given fields to train at Covenant Park after the dates outlined above.
U15-U19 Travel teams will be provided winter fields as outlined below.
Sessions per Week:
2 days per week
Exact days and times are currently TBD
Jan 13 – February (TBD)
Spring field allocations information will be posted by the end of summer. The SAC office is currently discussing the best way to handle this.
Sessions per Week:
2 nights a week
Mar 3 – May 22
Additional Practices on Board of Education Grass Fields
All teams are welcome to hold additional practices at no additional charge (on a first come first serve basis) on the SAC permitted Board of Education grass fields. The list of permitted fields for each season can be found here: BOE Fields
We will update this section for the 2024/2025 season soon.
The SAC Office will now register for all tournaments included in each team's club fee package. Each team will be provided a link to their age group's Tournaments shared document. This document lists the tournaments included in your team's club fee package and can be used to monitor registration and payment status. Any questions regarding tournament registration should be directed to Sharon Finney (
Players interested in applying for Financial Aid can view the policy and apply from the Club Programs section of their PlayMetrics account. Financial Aid
4560 Centennial Lane,
Ellicott City, MD 21042